Festival Coroczny Polski Festiwal English
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Polonez Dance Company

Polonez jest taneczną grupą z San Diego, California. Grupa została założona 19 lat temu przez entuzjastów tańcow ludowych. Grupa prezentuje tańce folklorystyczne ze wszystkich regionów Polski, a także tańce cygańskie i nowoczesne.

Zajrzyj na stronę Polonez lub or Facebook i zapoznaj się z tą fantastyczną grupą.

Krakusy - Polski Zespoł Pieśni i Tańca

Dyrektor p. Elżbieta Romuzga - Choreograf p. Edward Hoffman.
Występując przed amerykańską i europejską publicznością, Polski Zespoł Pieśni i Tańca "Krakusy" z Los Angeles (California, USA), zbudował sobie reputację Ambasadorow polskiej kultury. Bardzo energiczne polskie tańce, prezentowane w połączeniu z kolorowymi strojami oraz autentyczną muzyką podbiły serca publiczności.

Prosimy odwiedzić stronę zespołu i poznać lepiej Krakusy!

Polskie Smyki

Polskie Smyki is a group of 5 siblings, Adam, Ian, Sophie, Helena, and Celine, ages ranging from 12 to 4 years, who were introduced to play the violin by their mother, a violinist from Poland. All kids are participating in different musical performances in town. In the past, the Union Tribune described their performances as charming. They were hosted at KUSI news as a part of the young artists Symphony. The oldest boys are winners of multiple competitions in both piano and violin. All children speak polish and love going to Poland during the vacation.

Greg & Grace

Nasza Muzyka

The Greg & Grace duo's music varies from lively eastern European music (gypsy style) to sentimental French and sweet Italian favorites. This duo's "Songs We Remember" include wide range of songs, many world hits, American standards as well as thier own songs - Yes! POLKA too!

Please see this enthusiastic duo on Friday, Saturday and Sunday with different guests performers.
Nasza Muzyka

Janusz Supernak

Janusz is an Engineering professor at SDSU, and also a singer/songwriter, author of over 40 songs. He recorded two albums that won First Prizes at the “Polish Homelands” festivals in 2006 and 2007. In May, 2012, videos with his songs and photography by his wife, Iga were awarded the First Prize in the Multimedia category at the 27th International Film Festival in Niepokalanow, Poland. Janusz’s song "I Found My Perfect City" was the popular vote winner in the contest for the best song about San Diego. Janusz sings American and European standards as well as his own songs. Janusz is the author of music and lyrics of the 20th Polish Festival theme song “OUR TWENTIETH JUBILEE” (“DWADZIESCIA LAT”).
Janusz Supernak
Our guests will have oportunity to hear Janusz on Saturday.

*Organizatorzy zastrzegają prawo zmiany wykonawców.